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My Thoughts on Faith

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I have been very busy in my studies, and shopping! While I was studying the other day, I ran across an amazing chapter in the book of mormon that lead to several other thoughts and deeper study. I wanted to share my thoughts with y'all.

Through my current studies in preparing for my mission, I have deepened my understanding of faith. Not faith as in what you believe, but acting in faith. To begin this blog post, I would like to first offer a few different definitions of the word faith.



strong belief or trust in someone or something

allegiance to duty or a person

belief and trust in and loyalty to God

complete trust

LDS Guide To The Scriptures:


Confidence in something or someone. As most often used in the scriptures, faith is confidence and trust in Jesus Christ that lead a person to obey him.

Faith must be centered in Jesus Christ in order for it to lead a person to salvation.

Faith includes a hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. (Ether 12:6)

The definitions I am going to focus on are the ones involving trust.

I have recently been trying to come closer to Christ as I have only a matter of days left before I will be teaching people what I believe. I have had many thoughts go through my head about my mission. What will it be like? Am I ready? What challenges will I face? When I do face a challenge, how will I get through it? Will I be protected while I am on my mission?

Although these thoughts came to my mind and were overwhelming at first and created a little bit of stress in my life, I applied something else that I learned recently to get rid of the stress quickly. Those thoughts I were having are normal however, the ones that put fear inside me, I wanted out and so I reminded myself that a thought is just a thought. My brain recognized that as well and the fear left. The power of our brains is amazing and I will be talking more about that in future posts I'm sure.

The chapter I was reading was Alma 32 in the Book of Mormon.

This chapter stood out to me as I was reading and has every time I have read through it.

Before I begin - some background information from previous chapters.

Alma heads a mission to try to bring back the apostate Zoramites. The Zoramites have not been following the commandments and have made up some of their own rules. The missionaries Alma selects are strong but are having a difficult time teaching them. Alma begins teaching the poor who have been humbeled through their trials and afflictions.

The first verse that stood out to me was verse 12. In verse 11, Alma asks the Zoramites if they think it is needful for them to worship God only once a week, then in verse 12 Alma explains to them why they have been cast out of their synagogues. They were cast out so that they would be humbeledand that they would learn wisdon. They are brought to be humble because of their actions.

In verse 15, Alma continues: "Yea, he that truly humbleth himself, and repenteth of his sins, and endureth to the end, the same shall be blessed - yea, much more blessed than they who are compelled to be humble because of their exceeding poverty."

Here Alma explains the importance of him who truly humbleth himself, and repent and endureth to the end. If you do these things you will be blessed.

Now for the deep stuff.

The Zoramites ask for a sign and Alma tells them that if God gave them a sign, then it would not be faith because you would know. He also states that he who knoweth and chooseth not to believe - even more cursed is he.

Faith. (Verse 21) "Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen which are true."

Faith is not knowing all things. When we first gain our testimonies of the gospel, we do not understand everyuthing at first and we may even be troubled by some aspects of the gospel at first. However, many of us still have imense faith. Faith is hoping for things which are not seen which are true.

As Alma concludes his teaching the Zoramites, he leaves them with a challenge. (26) "Now as I said concerning faith - that it is not a perfect knowledge - even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge... But behold, if ye will... experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith... even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

Alma challenges them to take the seed that he has planted and to "nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life." (Alma 32:41)

What should I take from this?

Once we have learned to trust in Christ, take action, and to nourish the seed. We can nourish the seed by studying with real intent, asking questions, asking God if these things are not true and gaining a testimony of it for ourselves. Once we have aquired faith and trust in Christ, we can "reap the rewards of our faith, and our diligence, and patience, and long suffering, waiting for the time to bring forth fruit unto us." (Alma 32:43)

Jesus Christ has a plan for each and every one of us. Yes, we will all go through hard times for there must be opposition in all things. Without opposition and adversity, we would not be able to truly appreciate what we have. There cannot be light without darkness, good times without bad, happiness without sadness, joy without misery, comfort without pain. Could you imagine trying to feel happy if you have never felt sad? You would not truly know whether you were happy or sad.

Through all my trials and tribulations, good times and bad, I have gained an appreciation for my trials for they have formed my personality and have gave me experience. One of my favorite scriptures states:

All of our trials are to help us grow. I also know that my "adversity shall be but a small moment" (D&C 121:7–8) When adversity comes, go back to the core of your belief. "Immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith. That is how you stay steadfast and immovable during a trial of your faith." (Neil L. Anderson "Trial of Your Faith" October 2012 General Conference)

I know that if we keep the commandments, keep our covenants and trust in God that "for with God, nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37) I love this gospel and I love studying and increasing my knowledge and my faith.

I love you all. 38 Days!!!


Elder Levi Soller

"Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart" (Proverbs 3:5)

"O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth histrust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." (2 Nephi 4:34)

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