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The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Hey Everyone!

This week was crazy.

On Tuesday, we were parked because of the amount of snow we got. It also doesn't help that they don't have snow tires on the cars haha but oh well. I have learned how to drive in the snow and ice so that's good! We spent tuesday and wednesday shoveling a few driveways. Never realized how much of a work out it can be! I made ritzy chicken on Tuesday when we were parked and it was amazing as always. My companion loved it and I think we are going to make it for my ward mission leader and his family. We got a desk from Wal-mart for me because we only had one desk in our room. It makes studying so much easier.

We went to see Chris on Wednesday and he appreciated us coming by but he said that he isn't ready to do that which he knows is right. We are still working on helping him to make the next step, but apparently he has been investigating the church for 6 years. We are still trying but he doesn't seem to be progressing. He goes on and off. He is trying to find a job so he can support his wife and his daughter better. We also were able to knock on some doors and by doing so picked up 3 new investigators. Jurene, Courtney, and Courtney's boyfriend (forgot his name). He shared a quick message with them both and are shooting for return appointments this week.

Thursday while we were knocking on doors, our vehicle coordinator called us and told us we were parked because they had not received our gas receipts yet. (You are supposed to turn them in at the end of each month and they should be to them by the 5th otherwise you are parked until they get them.) This made appointments and dinners a little more difficult, but we still managed to teach lessons and find new investigators.

Friday was Zone Training. I learned a lot about how to better use the members when trying to find people. We must talk with them and bring them to lessons not only to help the lesson but to also help the member you bring. Their testimony is strengthened as they testify of what they believe. We also need to understand that no matter who we are, we can all come closer to Christ.

This is something I have been focusing on this past week. I know that being truly converted to the gospel is so much more than just going to church, reading scriptures, praying, paying tithing. Yes all those help and are necessary in conversion, but true conversion comes from doing those things because you have a desire to learn, a desire to know more, to progress. I know that as we strive not only to come closer to Christ, but to become more LIKE him, then will we experience true conversion. I know that it is through this that we can all find a deeper understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love this gospel and testify of its truth. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God - he portrayed this not only by the strength of God but also by the way he lived his life. He was not perfect and none of us are. However, he was a man of service, deep questions and not once did he deny the gospel. He knew it, and God knows it. He was willing to give his life. He was truly converted to the gospel. I testify that the Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. That book supports the Bible and can only help us come closer to our Savior. The Book of Mormon has received more false origins and more attackers than any other religious text and those origins that have been created have been evaluated, and are no longer in existence because the only true origin of the book is what Joseph Smith spoke of in his account of the First Vision. Joseph Smith did not lie and he has done more than anyone on the earth for the restoration of the gospel save Jesus Christ himself.

The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the same exact church that Christ set up on the earth when he was here himself.

Don't take my word for it. If you want to know, ask God. Ask him who created you. I promise you that the Book of Mormon can only strengthen your relationship with our Father in Heaven and with Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. Why not try it? If you are a member, do it again. Increase your conversion. Study deeper. If you are not, what will it hurt? I promise you that nothing bad can come from reading a book which testifies of Jesus Christ and praying about it. Try It! The Book of Mormon can change your life.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for all the many prayers that have been offered in my behalf, but please include my companion, as well as the people we are teaching and those in our area who are searching for truth.

With Love,

-Elder Soller

P.S. I forgot my camera this week but will get more next week. :)

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