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Continue to Serve

This week we had interviews with President and mine went very well. The purpose of the interview is just to get to know each other better and to see how my mission is going. We talked about how I'm doing. I love my Mission President! I was able to see my second cousins this past week (approved by President) and have breakfast with them! They were driving through and had a package for me from my family. In this package I also got a very sweet letter from my little sister Sariah. She really cares about me, where I am and what I am doing. I love you Sariah! I'll write you a letter soon.

Anyway, I have found that in Parker the easiest way to talk to people is to serve them. I don't think we have met a person who has turned down service. Yesterday we went around with our Ward Mission Leader (Brother Forsythe) shoveling people's driveways and sidewalks. He had a few members he wanted to do. After completing one driveway, he was ready to go; the next house was just down the street so Elder Johnson and I decided to walk. On our way there, we ran into this guy who we asked if we could help him shovel his driveway. He was very grateful for our service and was surprised that we were going around finding people to help. We got his contact information and discussed our missions and a little about the gospel and we are going to call him this week and visit with him. It's amazing to think that there are people on our street who are being prepared to hear our message. Knocking doors isn't as successful as asking if there is something we can do to help them. We have helped probably 15 families or individuals in the past 2 weeks! We have helped clean rooms, spread mulch, shovel driveways, crush cement, clean bathrooms and shovel decks.

He wants to bless you with miracles. (See Ether 12:12.) Of course you need to do your part. A garden only produces when someone tills the ground, plants the seeds and cares for the growing plants. The Lord gives the increase, but we still need to do our part.

​This past week I have been thinking a lot about service. In fact, we were able to share a lesson yesterday solely on service. We shared a video that I have been watching for years now called, Dayton's Legs. I would suggest you watch. It is about this young man who goes to help a boy who has cerebral palsy because he is in his quorum. He found out at some point that he loves the wind in his face. This young man decided to complete a triathlon with him. He did the race pulling Dayton behind him the entire time. At the end of the race he saw Dayton smile and was able to sprint to the finish line and he found new strength. I know that as we help others we will be able to find renewed strength. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and become more like his son Jesus Christ. We can become more like Jesus Christ through helping others be happy and find faith as that is what he would be doing if he were here and that is what he did while he was here.

​D&C 1:38-39 talks about the servants of the Lord.

I love those verses. I always thought as his 'servants' as the prophets as that is what we were taught in Seminary, but as I have taken a semester of Institute and been to the MTC and on my mission for a little while now, I have come to the realization that many scriptures have multiple meanings. Maybe when he is referring to 'servants' he is referring to all of his children as well as his prophets and when we are speaking words of HIS gospel, we are in turn speaking his words. In fact - possibly some of the same words he spoke while he was on the earth. :) Just some of my thoughts. :)

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do for any of you.

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