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Winter Migration

Hey y'all,

This week has been... full of surprises!

So earlier this week, we had 2 crazy hail storms! We tried to go outside and it was... well, painful. We had a Zone Conference on Wednesday where the spirit was super strong and I was edified. I learned so much from it and would like to share some of the things I learned with you.

Sister Rehm was talking about motivators and different things that motivate us as missionaries. She discussed External Motivators as well as Internal Motivators.

External: Force, Fear, Punishment & Reward

Internal: Duty & Honor, Faith & Trust, Charity & Love

We need to try to be motivated by the internal motivators instead of the external ones. I have been working on this and there is a difference when you are motivated by pure love of the people instead of fear of force or even reward. I came out on my mission to help people come closer to Christ. I love my Savior and all he has done for me and I know how much our Father in Heaven loves ALL of his children.

We were later learning that we need to allow the Lord to change us and the fact that we have to let him in. The question was then brought up, "How do I allow the Lord to change me?" We discussed it for a little while, one person said that we need to ask him to change us. We must pray and ask for his help to change. "Lord, please help me be humble" or "Help me to find more ways in which I can serve." I brought up a point that I have discussed before that we hear of selective obedience and how some people try to pick and choose the commandments they follow. You can't do that. In the same way, there is also selective trust. Some people including myself try to only allow the Lord to help us in certain areas. In other areas, we feel we've got it covered and don't need his help but in reality, the best option is to turn our entire lives over to him. He knows us and we have to choose to have faith in him and trust him completely. Sister Rehm then wrote a word up on the board. CHOOSE.

How do we allow the Lord to change us? We CHOOSE to let him change us.

We are challenged to not just know the gospel and the Book of Mormon, but we are challenged to BECOME like Christ.

So at Zone Training, we were informed about a meeting we had on saturday with President Rehm. The result of the meeting was that we are getting transferred. The stake I am currently in is becoming part of the Parker South Stake. I am moving to a little town almost to New Mexico called La Jara. I am very excited but the population compared to here is 2%. I am very excited but it will be very different. The town has 800 people in it and it will be a little different than Parker.

It was VERY difficult to say goodbye to the people here in Parker. I love the people here and love the area. It was sad to say goodbye to them at church on sunday, but I know this is the will of the Lord and I am needed in La Jara AND I need la Jara. I am excited for the opportunities that I will have to grow in my new area.

Sorry I couldn't write as much today, we have to finish packing up!

'Till next week.

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