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"Lord, Save Me"

This week has been full of ups and downs but overall it has been a great one!

As I stated before, I was able to bike to Flat Top mountain with Elder Liptrott last Monday and we had a great time with lots of incredible views. One of which includes the first picture below. Looking back on it now, that was my 5 month mark! Who knew! Time flies so quickly especially when you aren't keeping track!

Tuesday I was sick. I had been sick a few days prior to Tuesday, but I kept pushing through going to visit people and bike to several of our visits. Well... turns out that was not the best choice. Tuesday I took a rest day and somehow slept until about 5 p.m.. Not exactly sure how that happened, but it did. I was super tired and not feeling well.

Wednesday, I was able to continue on Mucinex D and I felt fully recovered. That afternoon we had a lesson with a recent convert who has been doing very well.

Thursday we had a wonderful lesson with a less-active that we are trying to get back to church. We may be going hiking with him some P-Day. He loves hiking as do we! I think it will be great just to get to know him better.

Friday we have a weekly gospel study we do with some elderly members of the ward which is great because they are all so knowledgeable and we all leave edified.

Saturday was interesting, we went to a family to help them with some service. This is what I was telling you to stay tuned for. We helped them brand their cattle. We gave them shots, tagged a few and castrated the bulls. This was an experience that I never thought I would have on my mission. I'll be honest, I was a little sorry for the cattle when we started, but when I got used to it and saw how they just got up and walked away from it I didn't feel so bad. I will attach some pictures of this experience.

I love the time I have spent on my mission thus far and can't wait to see what the rest of it has in store for me.


Spiritual thought:

Let me remind you of a story from the New Testament when Christ's disciples were making one of their many trips across the sea of Galilee. There was a storm raging in the waters and it was dark. The waters and the winds were rough and not very pleasant. The disciples were afraid of the storm and were not sure what the outcome would be. Christ was not on the ship with them, he had been left on the shore. Although Christ was not on the ship, he was watching over them. Before I continue on with this story, let me apply this to our lives. Christ is obviously not before our eyes, I can guarantee you that he is always watching over us and knows what is best for us. Theses disciples saw a figure in a white robe walking towards them on the waves of the sea and they were afraid because they thought it was a ghost. When at this moment of fear, Christ said unto them, "It is I; be not afraid." Peter then said unto him, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." Christ answered him with a simple word that he is always saying to us, "Come." Peter then hopped over the side of the boat and with his eyes focused on the Lord he walked on water towards Christ. The waves may have splashed him a little bit, but because he was completely focused on the Savior, all was well. The only reason Peter began to sink in the water was because he took his eyes away from Christ. Peter then said, "Lord, save me." Jesus then reached out his hand after Peter humbled himself, asked for help and stretched out his arm. When we are focusing on the Savior, we have nothing to fear. When we lose our focus, it is only after we humble ourselves and ask for his divine help or grace will he help us. Soon after Christ saved him, the waters came to a ripple and the winds calmed. I can testify that all storms come to an end in our lives. I know that if we too like Peter can focus our eyes on Christ completely, "we too might walk triumphantly over the swelling waves of disbelief and remain unterrified amid the rising winds of doubt." (Howard W. Hunter) We must not lose focus of Christ or put our trust in man. If so, we will sink in the storms of doubt and unbelief. In the storms, we must remember, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." We must not be afraid while in the storm. We must always remember who he is and that He is ALWAYS there for us to help us progress, learn and grow. It is my prayer that we may all be able to come closer to Christ and learn to put our complete trust in Him who is mighty to save.

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!


Elder Levi Soller

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