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The Wheels Keep Turning

Hey Everyone!

This week has been fun but a little difficult because we were whitewashed into this area, it has been pretty fun though because my companion is from Marietta, GA not too far away from me!

​This area is a little different than my last area, but it's still fun. I like it so far. It's very different going from an area of 700 people to ​an area of 30,000 people. I feel a little trapped because it's not as open. The area isn't as beautiful, but I'll get used to it. I am in a biking area now so we either have to get rides places or bike anywhere we go. I like it because it keeps me in shape I guess. Haha. Luckily the area is only 2 miles N-S and 5 miles E-W.

I don't have too much time today to e-mail because we are going ice skating here in a little bit. We did service on Wednesday for a city park. While we were doing service, we were actually doing service along side the women prison inmates. It was an interesting experience, but we got a lot done as well. We were clearing trees by the river so it could be more open. The guy we were doing service for gave us ice skating passes which is why we are going today! I can't wait! I miss ice skating so much! Sorry this e-mail is so short, We have a few things we need to do.

My spiritual thought for this week is based out of my studies. I made it a goal to read the Book of Mormon this transfer (6 weeks) The topics I am focusing on are diligence as well as adversity. I am in 1 Nephi 16. In this chapter, Lehi finds the Liahona and they start going the direction in which the Liahona points them to go. They began to murmer and be upset unto the Lord because Lehi broke his bow. The Liahona stopped working and only started working once they believed, were diligent, had faith and trusted in the Lord. The Liahona then guided them to where they could acquire food and they were humbled and gave thanks unto the Lord.

Something that has been on my mind lately is the dangerous sting of sin and going against what we know to be right. On my mission, I am inviting people to change and sometimes change a lot in their lives so they too can experience greater joy and come closer to Christ.

"I had known that when my parents told me to wear shoes, they did not mean flip-flops. But that morning in the desert, I disregarded what I knew to be right. I ignored what my parents had repeatedly taught me. I had been both lazy and a little rebellious. And I paid a price for it.

Disregarding what we know to be right, whether through laziness or rebelliousness, always brings undesirable and spiritually damaging consequences. We find healing and relief only when we bring ourselves to the feet of the great physician, our Savior Jesus Christ. We must cease fighting against God and instead give our whole hearts to Him holding nothing back. Then He can heal us. Then He can cleanse us from the venomous sting of sin."

I know as we bring ourselves to the feet of the master healer, Jesus Christ, that he can heal us as long as we bring our whole hearts to him, holding nothing back. I testify of the healing power of the Savior. Use it. Get on your knees in prayer and ask for his grace. Ask for his help. "Ask and ye shall receive..."

Hope y'all have a wonderful week and stay strong!


Warmest Regards,

Elder Levi Snow Soller

"When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."

-African Proverb

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