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Charity Repairs

This week has been full of changes, but that's nothing new, the past several weeks have been that way. Well I briefly mentioned them last week, but I am now in Cañon City. It has been fun so far, I got here Tuesday night which was when I sent my brief e-mail. I spent Tuesday evening unpacking and then Wednesday we got to work.

Wednesday was very busy, one of the first things that happened was Meeting John who has been taught the discussions for some time now. We had a very spiritual lesson and I am excited to continue inviting and helping him to come closer to Christ. We stopped by a few other people and had a great first full day. Elder Faletau had an incredible first day as a companionship.

Thursday we tracted into some awesome people some were not very interested in the gospel but had cool life stories. There were a few who showed some interest who we are going to see again early this week. Thursday I also met the a very nice family who has been investigating the church for a little while. I met Caleb who is 17, a high school graduate - Jordan his sister who is 16 and has been through the system, been through a horrible drug addiction and is out of it now and doing very well - I also met their dad. There are 2 other siblings I have yet to meet. This family is very smart and love having spiritual discussions. I can't wait to get to know them better and again, help them choose to come closer to Christ.

Friday we had a great District Meeti​ng​ where we discussed choices and helped the other missionaries solve stumbling blocks they have come across with people we are teaching. Our choices are so very important. We then went to Big Burger World which is just down the street from us and is owned by a member so missionaries eat free there. The food was incredible and I got a Peach shake which reminded me of home! (Nothing beats Georgia Peaches!) Unfortunately, Friday I caught the beginning stages of my weekend congestion. I love the fall weather and colors, but I don't appreciate the illnesses threat usually follow.

Saturday I was still sick, however, despite me feeling under the weather, we still went out to see people. Not only was I sick, but Saturday morning when we were ready to go out for the day, we noticed my bike was missing. I've been here for 4 days (at that time) and I was sick, and someone cut the chain that chained my bike and my companions bike together, stole my bike but not his, then left the chain under a bush by our apartment. This was a real bummer because we are in a biking area so that is the only way to eat around - other than on foot. I filed a police report (I happen to know one of the officers from my last area who works here :)) They are still looking for it, but for now I am riding a girls bike the other Elder left (don't ask me why he had a girls bike because I have no idea) I have another bike Elder Waldorf left for me that is in Pueblo West that I am working on getting transported over here. I hope they find the bike because I loved that bike! So many memories and it was a great bike as well! Oh well, it happens. What can you do? :P

Sunday was amazing, slowly overcoming my illness we were able to attend a very special meeting. We were able to view a broadcast of the Fort Collins Temple Dedication. There were 3 sessions and we were able to attend all 3. (We did this because there were different speakers at each and some less active members we invited attended different sessions) It was an incredible experience especially because I was quickly reminded of when the Atlanta Temple was re-dedicated in 2011 and what an incredible experience that was to participate in the celebration. The talks given focused on the blessings of the temple. The temple is dedicated ground set apart as a house of the Lord, Satan is not allowed inside those sacred doors. Something that was said is because of that fact, temples help us detect Satan and his attempts to destroy us. One thing that I had never thought about before is that since every temple does not permit Satan to enter, every temple that is placed on the earth, every house of the Lord limits the areas satan can reside. There are 150+ operating temples in the world, that is 150+ places where Satan can not dwell, what a peaceful fact!

This past transfer I read the Book of Mormon and learned so much from it. It was great to read through it quickly and understand the events better and apply the events as a whole to my life instead of each detail - just a different way of studying. I enjoyed it!

Anyway, each transfer our Mission President invites us each to select a Christlike attribute to focus on and study for those 6 weeks to try to develop within ourselves. This transfer I have selected the attribute of Christ- Charity and Love. I have been studying this the past week now and would like to share my thoughts on some things I have learned so far.

First of all, Charity is the pure love of Christ, defined in the Bible Dictionary: "The highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ.

Some other words to help describe charity: compassion, sacrifice, understanding, eternal love, perfectness & peace, commitment, strength and dedication.

These are just a few I found from my studying.

Preach My Gospel, a guide to missionary service that we use often states this about charity:

"A man once asked Jesus, “Which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus replied: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew22:36–39).

Charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47). It includes God’s eternal love for all His children. We are to seek to develop that kind of love. When you are filled with charity, you obey God’s commandments and do all you can to serve others and help them receive the restored gospel."

Charity brings obedience - if we are truly filled with charity, we will obey his commandments because we know he loves us and we love him.

It's easy to follow the rules and guidelines and obey when we can see the consequences. It's easy to do what you're supposed to when you know what will happen when you don't. It's easy to love someone who loves us, but God expects more from us. When we are angry at someone or someone has treated us poorly, when it is hard to love, that is when it's most important. That's when it really counts. Being a runner I like to think of it this way: it's easy to run when it's sunny and 75 outside and the weather is perfect. When you look outside your window in the morning and see it's raining, snowing and the weather is unfortunate and you want to hit snooze and wait for the sun to come out, that's when it really matters, that's when you need to get up, out of bed and put your running shoes on . When you still do what you're supposed to do even in... not so ideal circumstances will make it that much easier to do it in perfect conditions.

Jesus Christ explains charity very well when responding to a Pharisee:

"35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)

The Phairsee was trying to tempt the Lord and he responded with the perfect definition of charity - pure love of Christ. Everything about the gospel, all the ordinances, principles, teachings, commandments, everything hangs on those two greatest commandments.

One last thing I wanted to point out is something from 1 Corinthians 8:1 the last two words of the verse are "charity edifieth." The footnote for edifieth says the Greek translation is: "builds up, strengthens, establishes, repairs."

The one that stood out to me is 'repairs.'

Think of that - Charity Repairs. Charity or the pure love of Christ repairs all.

Like faith, charity also leads to action and the action of charity is service in its various forms. If we are filled with charity, all that we do will be some form of service to help others because we will genuinely love them and recognize their divine potential.

I testify that if we all could but have charity, the world would be a much better place. It starts with me. It starts with you.

Let's join together and help to make this world a better place, one person at a time.

I love you all, I greatly appreciate your prayers and your motivating emails as well as your responses to my updates. I want you all to know that I KNOW that Jesus Christ lives, I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice that allows me to be forgiven of my shortcomings. I pray that we will all come to know our Savior and find ways in which we can be lead by him.

I have an invitation for y'all. I love the temple so much. I have had incredible experiences there mainly before my mission. Those of you who are members of the church, attend often. Don't take it for granted if it is close, if it is far - attend as often as you can. For those of you who are not members of the church, ask someone you know who is a member of the church to take you to the temple grounds, there is such a powerful spirit of love that is felt there as it truly is a house of the Lord. Your example is more powerful than any word you could ever say.

I leave you my testimony - Holiness to the Lord - House of the Lord.

​(Sorry, no pictures this week, I keep forgetting the right cord)​

Have a great week! Choose to Stay Strong!

"Love is the measure of our Faith, the inspiration for our Obedience, and the true Altitude of our Discipleship."

-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Warmest Regards,

Elder Levi Snow Soller

"When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."

-African Proverb

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