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Some Miracles Take Time

Dear Friends and Family,

It's been a little longer than a week, and it's not Monday but I felt the need to update you all on my recovery as well as some other thoughts I have had the past several days.

Well, as for the recovery, I am doing miraculously better day by day. It has been incredible to see the progress I have made that really should not be happening. I have come to a realization of the things I am lacking which I denied before. In the hospital, my short term memory was awful and in the beginning I would mix up stories and say things that made no sense. I have laughed at some of the things my mom has told me that I have said. While in the hospital and the first week of being home, my short term memory was awful. I could not remember things day to day. It all seemed like a dream. Since that time, I can remember things that happened yesterday now, however it is still a little blurry but the improvement from before is incredible. There's one thing I'm struggling with is the memory - I can remember things from about 3 days ago and prior, but the shorter term memory is currently lacking. Memories from the hospital and closer and closer to the time of the fall are slowly coming back and becoming more clear. Reading comprehension is something I struggled with in Elementary School which I worked on throughout the rest of my schooling and became decent at it however, that struggle has returned and is something I am focusing on right now. It will take some time to get that back, but I know that it will come so I just have to work on my patience. All in all, mentally, I'm doing very well - we should be getting some results from the neuropsychologist right before Christmas. I am limited to no driving and no running as of right now. We will see what the results bring back. I will shoot out another e-mail once we receive those. Physically I am doing very well, I still have some pain in my back (most likely from the first impact) as well as in my knee joints however, I have been using resistance bands to slowly build up that strength again. There are scars still on my knees as well as a little bruising still on my back; the vertebrae and ribs are still broken, however they are still healing. (It's amazed me what all the body just does on its own) I can't wait to return to the temple again, I have gone twice now since I have been home. I am excited for when I can drive and go as often as possible. If you have any other questions about my recovery, please e-mail me back or contact me some other way.

This past week, I have focused my thoughts on healing, (For obvious reasons) specifically however, the healing power of our Savior. The four gospels specifically speak a lot about this healing and the miracles Christ performed. I have been studying a book lately entitled "The Healer's Art" by Lloyd D. Newell and Don H. Staheli which I have read in the past, but means something completely different to me now. It's not very long and I strongly recommend you read it if you can. Here are some notes I took while reading the first few chapters from this book:

How can I use the Healer's Art, accept his atonement and become healed?

What would "healing" mean for me?

Some miracles take time

What is the will of the Father for this healing process - What does He want me to do?

Three-fourths of the miracles recorded in the New Testament of the Savior are characterized as healings

Christ still heals, how can I be healed?

He can HEAL what he creates... He created me.

How can I be healed?

1. Follow him - follow in his footsteps and become like him

2. Believe in his words and that he is the Christ - "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief."

3. Complete faith in him (conversion and faith are repeatedly associated) His power is present today

4. Willing to receive the comforter (The Holy Ghost) - Healing brings peace

I have been thinking a lot lately, (mainly because I have a lot of time now that i'm not busy at all without a nametag or a job or school :P) about this healing and i've realized that to become healed is different than being cured. When someone is cured from something it usually is referring to a disease or illness but becoming healed can only come through the Savior. That HEALING power, not the curing, but healing power is something we as humans can hardly even begin to wrap our minds around. Healing comes in various forms and may not always come as we may have expected. Healing is more about having the faith to accept and align our will with his. Our Heavenly Father truly knows us and has a divine plan for each of us - a master plan for who HE wants US to become. I invite you all to try attempt daily to find his will for you. Falling from the cliff I have come to the realization that every decision we make and every thing we do or say is a part of the process of becoming who HE wants us to be. I know and testify that some miracles take time, they are always in HIS timing and his divine will. There is a quote we have hung up in my house that has helped me through a lot in my life which states: "If only you could see yourself as I see you." I love my Savior and we all need to follow him more than we currently are no matter where we are at. I love you all and truly appreciate all the prayers that have been offered on my behalf. I also really appreciate all the people I have been able to talk or be with the past few weeks who have been there for me and heave greatly helped with the recovery in more ways than y'all can even imagine.

I love you all and again really appreciate all the care and support that I have received. I may be a little injured, but if there is anything I can do for any of you, let me know, I'll be there!

With much love,

Levi Snow Soller

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